Deadline - February 10, 2025 (23:59 CET) NEW FINAL DEADLINE
Submission of an abstract is not equivalent to registration. Payment of the registration fee can be done after the evaluation has been completed.
Notification to Authors - after March 17, 2025
Presenter’s whose work wil be accepted have to register to the congress - untill April 25, 2025
Abstract Content Details
The abstracts are to be written in English.
Please pay attention to correct orthography, grammar, and gender-sensitive as well as diversity-sensitive language. The contributions will be published as submitted; After submission, contributions can be edited until the abstract submission deadline.
The length of the abstract is limited to 200 words (incl. spaces)
Use only common abbreviations. All other terms should be used unshortened. Duden-compliant abbreviations do not need to be introduced separately (such as).
If possible, please structure the abstract as follows. For original studies: Introduction, Methods, Results, Conclusion (no references) ; For case reports: Introduction, Case description, Conclusion (no references)
You cannot upload any figures/images to your abstract.
The decision on acceptance/rejection of an abstract and the classification in the programme is made by the scientific committee on the basis of the review results.
Publication Guidelines
The submitter declares that all named authors agree to be named including their respective affiliation in connection with this abstract.
The accepted abstracts are intended for publication in the online program of the event. By submitting the abstract, the authors give their consent to the publication of the contribution on the congress website (